Lissy Pernthaler

Lissy Pernthaler



Lissy Pernthaler is an South Tyrolean actress, known for 13 Minutes (2015), Fly Away Home (2016) and I'm - Infinita come lo spazio (2017). She made her film debut in 13 Minutes (2015) by director Oliver Hirschbiegel (Downfall). "The Hollywood Reporter" writes about her scene as interrogation-room-secretary with Georg Elser: "But there are affecting moments showing brief exchanges of looks or words between Georg and the interrogation-room secretary (Lissy Pernthaler). Just a silent glance as she looks up from her book out in the corridor while a vicious flogging is taking place behind the door speaks volumes." (The Hollywood Reporter 2/12/2015)

Also appears in

13 Minutes

13 Minutes


I’m (Endless Like the Space)

I’m (Endless Like the Space)


Maikäfer flieg

Maikäfer flieg


Why Not You

Why Not You


Peeling Wallpaper

Peeling Wallpaper

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